You are automatically enrolled in the Pipe Fitters Individual Account and 401(k) Plan by virtue of working for a Local 597 Collective Bargaining employer who contributes on your behalf.
Initial money submitted to Empower will be deposited into a "Target Date Fund" based on your age. The Target Date Funds are the default fund. You may reallocate these funds at anytime.
To have monies deferred from your paycheck you should complete a Salary Deferral Agreement and give it to each of your employers. When you change employment, a new Salary Deferral Agreement will have to be provided to each new employer. You will also have to complete a new Salary Deferral Agreement if a previous employer rehires you.
You decide how much to save through the Plan. For 2024 the maximum allowable voluntary money contributed to a 401(k) Plan is $23,000.00, if you are age 50 or older, there is an additional catch-up of $7,500.00 which means a member 50 or older may contribute to a maximum of $30,500.00. Voluntary contributions are contributed to the Plan through payroll deductions from your individual employer. If you want to change the amount you defer, simply complete a new Salary Deferral Agreement and give it to your employer.
Each employer will be responsible for sending the participant's contributions to the Plan by the 15th of the following month after the deduction has been made. The contributions should be posted by Empower by the 25th of each month.
You may verify the contribution allocations by calling Empower at 1-833-378-5971 or at If there is a discrepancy, you must contact your employer and take reasonable action to correct the discrepancy. If you are unable to correct the discrepancy, you must notify the Plan Administrator.